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My name is Chris Fergo and I live on Long Island. I'm 22 years old and a Game and Web Design graduate. I‘ve been interested in 3D modeling and animation for quite some time now.

I was an avid Star Wars fan growing up and I was heavily active at www.theforce.net. Then in 1999 they made a new section to the website for Fan-Films. I became intrigued. Some of the fan-made films on the site are pretty amazing, for amateur filmmakers. I was so blown away by many of them, that I became inspired to make one myself. Long story short, I ended up with a lot of F/X tests. I used makeshift blue screens and green screens. I learned how to rotoscope lightsaber glows, recreate the famous opening crawl; but one thing I could not tackle was 3D modeling. I struggled to teach myself the programs. I bought books, tried to follow tutorials, fooled around with the programs, but could not grasp the concept. I knew that if I was ever going to learn 3D modeling, I was going to have to go to school for it.

In April 2006, I found Katharine Gibbs, a great school where I could learn 3D modeling and animation. It was in a Game and Web design course, which I didn’t mind at all, I’ve always enjoyed video games but I wouldn't consider myself a huge gamer. While I attended Gibbs I met a lot of amazing people. Two people that I must are Frankie and Mr. Mastermaker. Frankie has pushed me incredibly hard to step up my game and get better at modeling, and I thank him for that.  He always tells me to ‘Stay on the information highway, there’s no need to take side roads.’ Mr. Mastermaker, I’m proud to say, was the teacher who not only taught me 3D modeling and animation, but was able to made it stick. Both of these guys inspire me to reach my potential and make quality work.

On the side I also draw and play music. I have been playing the drums for over 11 years and guitar for 6 years. I competed in NYSSMA and got involved with school and local bands, performing Classical, Rock and Heavy Metal.